Sunday, January 24, 2016 3
It’s going to be a busy week in the Thai courts with the famous trio – known to a few as The Three Stooges – all set to make appearances on various charges from fraud, embezzlement, extortion, to well, plain fibbing.
The men in the photo-shopped picture are of course, Drew Walter Noyes,60, a fake American lawyer from Wilmington, North Carolina, appealing a two jail sentence for extortion, Brian Goudie, 48, from Falkirk, appealing a three jail sentence for extortion, and David John Hanks, a former brothel owner from Melbourne, Australia, who is being sued for libel.
First up is Drew Walter Noyes, who with his wife Wanrapa Boonsu, has to hear the result of his appeal against his extortion sentence in Pattaya Court.

He was running a protection racket telling businesses, in this case the Thonglor Clinic in Jomtien, that they had to pay him if they were to operate in Pattaya and not be raided by police. He left for the USA last year promising to return to face sentence.
Unlike the case against migrant workers activist Briton Andy Hall, who has had his passport withdrawn in Bangkok for allegedly defaming the Natural Fruit Company in its treatment of Burmese labour, Noyes was given not only his passport back but also permission to travel abroad.
In Andy Hall’s case the judge said it was standard practice to withhold passports of foreigners and stop them leaving the country. Andy Hall is in court in Bangkok tomorrow.
In Pattaya of course the standard practice appears to be to reap in as much cash as possible bailing foreigners hoping they will not have to claim it back. Many a child sex offender has taken this route which is why we see lots of arrest pictures in the newspapers but very few conviction stories. On a good case the court can rake in US$15,000
Noyes is helping run his One Stop Service Center – as ‘One Stop Legal Services’ from Wilmington, North Carolina, where he says he is living in perfect harmony with some five of his Thai children (he left three legal ones behind) and ‘racoons, elk, wild beaver, alligators and flowing streams near Wilmington, North Carolina.
This was a surprising move because it was the Star newspaper in Wilmington and reporter Scott Gold which together published an investigation into his activities thjere before he fled to Thailand in the first place.
His children are doing fine it seems, while at junior school they are also running what he claims is a multi million dollar company.
Meanwhile in Pattaya initial calls are taken by a hapless Brit called Trevor Owen who appears to have a thing about women in uniform.
He has a thing about Immigration to the UK which may be the reason he is in Pattaya.
I don’t think Donna will be answering his plea from ‘One Stop Legal’ in the picture below,.
But punters should be advised there is no such name as One Stop Legal Services in Pattaya. It’s merely a name made up by Noyes. If anyone signs a contract with One Stop Legal there is no company to sue if things go wrong.
Noyes ‘common law wife’ Wanrapa Boonsu (also due in court appealing the extortion case) meanwhile is in charge.
Noyes is certainly continuing the pretense of returning to Thailand.
New signs have gone up outside the One Stop Service Center with his photo all over them.
As Noyes was still dealing with customers from Wilmington last week it seems unlikely he will turn up for his case.
On the other hand he had spent considerable time in Pattaya dining with judges, attending National Law Day and even holding a legal seminar.

It is expected however that he will now claim he cannot attend because of the current big freeze on the other side of the pond and disruption to air travel due to a polar vortex.

Second up is Brian Goudie, who has been sentenced to three years posing as a British barrister to cheat Barbara Fanelli Miller, 78, of Madison, Wisconsin out of nearly US$300,000 part of which was bail money for her son.
A warrant is out for his arrest on a number of charges including ‘revenge porn’ and he has cases this week in Bangkok for bankruptcy, and libel, and in Pattaya for fraud and embezzlement.
He has been holed out in the Key Bar in the Jomtien Complex in Pattaya (formerly the ‘Jaggie Thistle’ and before that the ‘Blarney Stone’ of former northern Irish drugs trafficker Jimmy ‘Doc’ Halliday. The Key Bar is all shut up.
He was looking very nervous on a video taken over the New Year in Pattaya but continuous to announce on Facebook that he is bringing more and more charges against his ‘enemies’. As he is bankrupt and says he has not cash this seems at odds with reality. He does NOT however have his passport.
He is unlikely to turn up as I guess he will be arrested if he does. He could be in the boondocks or have slipped over the Cambodian border.

Third up is David John Hanks, who worked for Drew Noyes as ‘Pattaya One Stop Service Center’ and also worked with Brian Goudie in an attempt to scam 7 million Thai baht out of American media mogul Bill Monson, who lost his fortune to former Thai Premier Thaksin Shinawatra.
Hanks emerged fresh from an acquittal or racketeering charges in Pattaya – money lending to Russians at 60 per cent per month, but he lost a case he took against the Thonglor clinic in Pattaya claiming he had suffered permanent damage to his face,

This case was brought against the Thonglor Clinic after Hanks took a part in the attempted extortion of the clinic and was rather see-thru. In any case I guess the judges rules that Hanks was born with the damage.
Hanks is relatively talentless and has in the main been used by Noyes and Goudie for his ‘bulk’. He is being counter sued for defamation in Bangkok by Ally Cooper, myself, I think, and Kanokrat Nimsamooth Booth.
Prior to arriving in Thailand he was the owner of ‘Masquerades’ brothel in Keysborough, Victoria, Australia. That’s in the suburbs of Melbourne. The brothel advertised ‘Asian Hotties’ and featured in an Immigration casein Australia. (One of the hotties, aged 40 plus, was married to an 18-year-old Australian she had hardly apparently met). Apparently the hotties were not that hot which is perhaps why Hanks moved to Pattaya and married a younger bar girl.
* A check at at 1.50 pm today (Sunday) GMT showed that all Delta and |American Airlines flights routed from Charlotte to Narita and onto Bangkok were operating as scheduled.
Charlotte International airport is open – if Noyes has not left by now he won’t make it of course. Otherwise he will need to claim ‘jet lag’ for not turning up. Yes he has claimed that before and judges have allowed it.
‘Men in Suits’ – Thai version – Below English version