To Andrew and Pat Drummond A Son – Archie, Lord of the Glen and Khlongs

 Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As Possible

We are pleased to announce the birth of our second son Archie Drummond born in Sapan Soong, Bangkok at 3.30 this morning, June 12 2012. Archie is younger brother to Matthew, 2, and Annie, 4. Mother Pat Drummond is as usual doing very well. While Archie has been described as ‘as good looking as his father’ AD can confirm that like all babies he looks like an alien with a squashed up face and only a person with a fertile imagination could say he was handsome.

June 13: Oh as an afterthought he weighed in at 4kg so he is the biggest out of the three. I have no idea if this is relevant to anything but people usually put up the weight don’t they?

He has flat nose, screwed up eyes, and a VERY grumpy expression. I did a video but not sure if I want to keep it.  :-). Mother is demanding New York cheese cake, nachos, salsa etc. Luckily there is a Villa supermarket next door. She’s usually happy with rice and chicken – what’s happened? I thought these cravings were meant to come BEFORE the birth.

Managed to get the kids off to school. But collided with another car coming out of Matt’s kindergarten. I’m worried about Matt. He is mad about Barbie, Barbie dolls and wears Annie’s shoes. I am going to have to do some ‘I am a lumber jack’ stuff with him.

Will Matt end up like this, er,chap at Rajamangala Stadium for the recent Lady Gaga Concert?  Of course I will give him freedom of choice, so he may equally  end of like this.

 I’m just putting these pictures in of course, because they are quite fun. And yes, to be frank, Archie is not so easy on the eye at the moment. Just cannot understand these nurses here cooing and saying how handsome he is. Quite frankly he’d get a job in any fairground ghost train or house of horrors.

June 13th: (contd) Got the kids from school. Fed em. Back to the hospital with all. Now I’m driving a car with a dented driver’s door which creaks when you open and close it. Kids playing hide and seek in the hospital room. Put my plan into action. Take them across the road to the indoor adventure playground. Hmm. This is above Villa – and it feins to be upmarket.  They want to the measure the kids heights and having done so want double for Annie than Matt. 100 baht and 50 baht!. What. Anne pleads.  Oh alright then. Then the receptionist asks if I am going in.

If I do so then its another 50 baht. ‘No thanks. I’ll watch through the glass’. Then the receptionist brings out the rule book. I cannot watch thru the glass. ‘All children must be accompanied by adults.”  Er. Ok.

Are your wearing socks?  Actually I was not, nor was Matthew. ‘We’ll you’ll need to hire socks too, ‘ she said, very straight laced.  ‘What? Get tae’….I held myself back. ‘ Then I had another look at the rule book which stated that there was an automatic fine if  a kid wet himself/herself. I took one look at Matt and said ‘No deal’.

This place must be run by the consular staff at the British Embassy.

There were no kids inside anyway and it remained a childless playground not surprisingly. Found a place next door for 30 baht each. The kids insisted I join them, so they could jump all over me presumably. They let dad in for free with no socks.  Got the kids home. Let Annie skip her bath. (Mum’s not reading this)

‘I had one this morning and will have another one tomorrow morning,” she said. ( I was hoping she would) I ran the water for show while Annie washed her face and brushed her teeth and regally walked once under the shower and out again. (The brother in law/spy is here  and judging by the sound had given Matt the bath from hell).

Played Matt the video of ‘Archie’. God knows why he kept wanting me to replay it. I guess probably because ‘mummy was in it. Archie I thought would give him nightmares.  Thankfully he has exhausted himself – Touch wood.

‘All asleep after ‘Winnie the Pooh welcomes winter’.  Back to re-reading Eric Lomax’s ‘The Railway Man’.

June 15th: Mother and child now back home. No more silliness. Back to work.


28 thoughts on “To Andrew and Pat Drummond A Son – Archie, Lord of the Glen and Khlongs

  1. Congratulations to you all at castle Drummond.
    Has to be hoped that Archie turns out to be a little better looking than his Dad.

    Champagne and canapés on the lawn?

  2. So that's what you have been busy doing. My Dad's name was Archibald, means 'Brave and Noble'. It is Prize, a famous cartoon and a bunker named after it. Congrats.

  3. Actually I have been quiet as I have been in Kanchanaburi. Was not expected so soon. Bit of a kerfuffle which dad missed last night.(thank god. I would have been running round in circles) I rushed back this morning and have been at the hospital most of the day. They have wifi. So guess I will be there tomorrow. At the moment spinning plates with Annie and Matthew, but neighbours have mucked in. Just read Paddington Bear, goes to (1) Hampton Court (2) the zoo. Kids asleep. 6 am start. Hope the maid comes or I am for it when the wife returns. Now I have to find the kids uniforms, knicker, socks etc. Plan to wear them down tomorrow by taking them to one of those fancy adventure playgrounds after school. Fresh out of chloroform.

  4. Just noticed your taking the kids out tomorrow….a word of advice……if you’re using the Sky Train….DON’T TAKE BALLOONS WITH YOU…
    Seemingly in Thailand they’re the Devils play things.

  5. Congratulations! What a dynasty and may long it reign. Most front load this sort of thing but I suppose the Drummond gene just has to be that contrary.
    Do you know how to spell vasectom……

  6. Congratulations Andrew.

    Disappointed at the name,though, "Drew Drummond alliterates so well.

  7. Congratulations to all AD. Great name too–I had an "old mining uncle" by the same name— well done.

  8. Yes well done. I'm surprised you still have the energy. Don't worry if he's talkative as babies can't be sued for libel.

  9. What a lovely humane thread! A very pleasant surprise!
    A huge congratulations to the Drummond family on the latest addition.
    Welcome to the world Archie, and congratulations to Matthew & Annie on a new brother.


  10. That's the problem with older sisters-younger brothers. my daughter has an older brother, so she is a little tomboy roughian…she does not own and never wanted a doll, more at home in jeans and shorts than a dress. Watches shoot em up movies rather than princess and barbie. Goes to TaeKwonDo lessons instead of dance. I like that.

  11. Well done AD and congratulations on the arrival of "Sporran Junior 3rd". Aye at least by now you know what's causing it.

  12. Andrew, when can we expect you to stop having children and get back to what you do best? No need to send me a christening invite. As usual we won't be able to find a kilt hire shop with the extra long kilts for hubby. Same reason he failed the medical for the Black Watch in 1943

  13. Well that's fabulous !! Things are looking wayyyyy up for the Drummond stars !!
    To Sam,
    I was excellent in sports like softball(girls weren't allowed to play with real baseballs ) and wasn't into wearing clothing that's about sexualizing girls for boy's pleasure- and my only sibling was an older sister.

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