A fake American immigration lawyer has fled a 27 year jail term for child sexual abuse after paying 400,000 Thai baht (US$11,361) in bail to Pattaya Provincial Court.
Brian Edward Wright, 59, had been found guilty of the repeated rape of a 12-year-old girl prior to his arrest in 2012.
The Thai Immigration Department said today that Wright had not passed through a border control checkpoint – but it seems unlikely, with his claimed immigration contacts and such a heavy sentence over his head, that he has remained in Thailand.
An arrest warrant has been issued. Should he return to the United States he would face extradition back to Thailand.
Wright from Rhode Island was also wanted for questioning over the sexual abuse of a child in Providence, Rhode Island in 1995 before he fled to Thailand.
On October 28 2014 he was sentence to 36 year imprisonment reduced by a quarter to 27 years on four counts of rape and four counts of taking away a child without the consent of her parents.
He appealed (Red file case 11066/ 2557) and paid the 400,000 baht bail but clearly had not intention to return.

Wright, a friend of and godfather to one of the children of Drew Noyes, for whom an arrest warrant has also been in his case for attempted extortion. Noyes fled while on bail of 500,000 Thai baht.
Noyes, who also posed as an American lawyer had attempted to obtain 7 million Thai baht from the owners of the Thong or Clinic in Jomtien on Thailand’s eastern seaboard – and threatened a police raid and bad publicity in his now defunct ‘Pattaya Times’ newspaper.
He was jailed alongside his Thai common law wife Wanrapa Boonsu. A warrant has also been issued for her arrest.
Questions have been asked about the paternity of a child mothered by the 14-year-old niece of Noyes’ Thai wife.
Wright cruised the bars in Bangkok and Pattaya with Noyes on days off when he was not running his company called US Immigration and Law with the website www.mythaifiancee.
He boasted that he had secured fiancée visas for high ranking US military men, police, lawyers, and secret service men.
Had ‘secret service men’ checked, however, they would have discovered that Wright skipped US$15,000 bail when , it is now confirmed, as a resident of Block Island, Rhode Island, he was charged with first degree sexual assault of a minor child.
In Thailand on his website he also claimed he donated to needy children, providing school books, sports equipment and even dental floss, through his company’s own ‘Thailand Children’s Charity Project’ displaying pictures of himself with children.

During his trial his company was taken over by a mysterious Braydan Hamilton, also a ‘US Immigration Lawyer’ who has flooded his first 3 pages of Google with promotions for the business, but, not surprisingly has no previous profile, or bio.
At the time of his arrest in Thailand a US Embassy spokesman said: “”While we cannot comment on the specifics of this case, the United States values our cooperation with Thailand on law enforcement issues and cases, including this one.”
No one was immediately available for comment.
The fact that Drew Noyes, Wright’s buddy, should be given bail and even allowed to travel to the United States having been convicted and jailed on a serious extortion charge is bad enough. But Pattaya Court’s decision to let this man go is absolutely disgraceful and a total insult to the US-Thai agreements to co-operate to cut down on international child sexual abuse.
On an almost annual basis teams from the UK, Australia, United States and even Scandinavia have been meeting with officials at all levels of the Thai Justice system. They organize seminars, even hold parties in Embassies. And the Thais agree to everything. Brian Wright is not the first to go free. There have been dozens. And there have been strong indications that money has been involved – not just money for bail.
At the same time there can be no doubts, as we have shown on this site, that innocent people can also be framed with scant regard to facts. Thailand needs to come out of the Third World.
But while the country has state of the art malls and luxury goods, its justice system appears to be still in the dark ages with promises to reform….merely promises.