Monday, June 20, 2016
He’s been playing with guns and boasting about his senator approved trip to the White House. He boasts he will return to Thailand to-reunite with the children he left behind, but shows not signs of backing up his claims.
But still the noticeably absent publisher of the now defunct Pattaya Times newspaper Drew Noyes must stand trial for libel, according to the Thai Appeal Court last Friday.
Noyes, who fled to the States, but not before a payment to the notorious Pattaya court, after being convicted and sentenced to jail for extortion, is of course unlikely to turn up because he already faces arrest and jail.
So yet another warrant is expected to be issued for his arrest.
Together with notorious Scots fake barrister Brian Goudie he now has to stand trial accused accused of libeling oil worker Ally (Alastair) Cooper by calling him a drugs pusher among other things and various libels against Andrew Drummond (yours truly) and Kanokrat Nimsamooth Booth, the latter whom had been aiding in legal actions against the con man who was first exposed in the Wilmington Star in North Carolina twenty years ago, for shady property and share dealings and sexual harassment.
Ironically Noyes’ co-defendant Goudie is alleged to have also libeled Cooper by publishing a story on his pseudo legal website ‘Casewatch Asia’ that the Secret Service were on Ally’s tail after he had threatened the life of Hilary Rodham Clinton.
Drew Noyes was however much more interested in his Thai wife’s reaction to the Monica Lewinsky episode.

Goudie too has fled fraud. He had embezzlement convictions and a three year jail sentence but was released after also paying Pattaya Court ‘bail’. So there’s little expectation he will turn up.
Besides, there is another arrest warrant out for him for publishing porno videos of his former girlfriend and also fraud.
After multiple complaints from foreign customers of his quasi law firm PAPPA Co. Ltd., later to become the One Stop Service Center trading also as, we started exposing Noyes frauds on this website at the end of 2011.

And soon we were on the case of his friend Brian Goudie, 49, from Falkirk, Scotland, who had been jailed in Australia for six years for stealing from a West Australian Mining Company – and of course we exposed the fact that he was not a British barrister or a former officer in the Royal Marines as he had claimed.
He was a career con man who preyed on foreigners offering to solve their legal problems at a day rate of 50,000 – over US$1700 – with a work record as a club bouncer and bank teller. He also conned foreigners out of their Thai properties – and pocketed the bail and a total of nearly US$300,000 from an old lady, who was paying him to defend her son in Pattaya court.
Noyes had falsely claimed on arrival to have been invited to Thailand to work for the Bank of Thailand during the 90’s regional economic crisis to help the country out of its problems. He courted the local judges and the local Mayor Ittipol Khunpluem, whose term of office was this week terminated by the military government.
Unfortunately this does not mean a radical change in the make-up of Pattaya and an end to corruption.
Noyes was involved in a number of libel cases and counter-suits involving myself, Nimsamoot Booth and Cooper, until he was finally forced to flee back to Wilmington, North Carolina last year after being found guilty of attempting to extort the owners of the Thonglor Clinic out of 7 million baht – on pain of a police raid when illegal substances ‘would be found’ and of course a report would follow in the Pattaya Times.
Noyes had heard that the clinic had been raided and shaken down for cash in Bangkok and was working with corrupt police to make a killing in Pattaya. The police consumer department officer in charge of the case in a raid which subsequently did take place was subsequently transferred as is the usual practice.
No substances were found. But officers had been informed of the local police investigation in which Noyes was set up in a sting and arrested as he took the first ‘down payment’ in the News Restaurant in Jomtien.
Noyes posted an incredible phony biography on NAYMZ claiming to be a marksman, a skydiver, a member of MENSA, an authority on Thai law, property and the recipient of multiple Royal awards etc., but was little more than a moonshine salesman, who donned a suit and tie to con the local authorities and his clients.
In Wilmington, NC, he has recently been boasting his connections with the police on Facebook and recently posted that he is now an ‘expert’ marksman having been trained for a week by an instructor from Fort Bragg.
This may be a snipe at the US weapons instructor who recently had an affair with his wife and co-defendant in extortion case – Wanrapa Boonsu.
In a further comment alongside a photo of himself with his latest he added: “Its really very hard to find someone who loves you and stands by you in life whatever life deals”.
He may have picked this up from one of his ex- bar girl mistresses.
He also boasted that his local senator had provided him with a private tour of the White House.
However Drew has rather been over egging the pudding. This is the way every US citizen arranges ‘private tours’ of the White House.
Will they catch on across the pond or be duped again?
Footnote: The legal action is of course academic as it is unlikely Noyes will return but as it has been paid for will continue until a further arrest warrant is issued.