The retiring chairman of a government immigration watchdog Maurice Dimmock made a Christian bid to save young women in the sex trade in Thailand by donating to teach them to speak English and teach them to make jewellery or become hairdressers.
Shocked by what he said was a U.N. statistic claiming that ’60 per cent of all males arriving at Bangkok airport were there for the sex industry’, the chairman of the controversial Home Office approved Accreditation Service for International Colleges – ASIC – took action.
Alongside his main task for the then U.K. Border Agency, which was to check out schools for foreigners in the U.K. to ensure they were not being used for education visa scams, he contacted a charity in Bangkok – Rahab Ministries- with plans to help women in the sex trade in Thailand to speak English.

He switched funds from the Durham-Tees Valley charity the Rose Education Foundation charity**, which he had started with his wife Margaret,to give young people in northeast England a better quality of life, and provide opportunities and relieve unemployment.
And he passed it on to charities in the the sun, sea and sex Thai resort of Pattaya **, which he has been visiting for 15 years for educational and charity and business purposes.
Dimmock’s commitment to Thailand came just after he had to explain to the 2009 Home Office Parliamentary Committee into Bogus colleges just what ASIC had been up to.

Maurice Dimmock had been fired from his job as Director of International Operations at Northumbria University, reported the the Times, and he had formed ASIC which had gone on to accredit bogus colleges, according to a series of further articles. They included one establishment at which students could simply buy their certificates and work hours and not turn up for lessons, and another which had sponsored thousands of Education Visas for students it could not accommodate in its two rented rooms.
A Home Office parliamentary committee was set up and in its conclusions made the following recommendation.
“We note concerns amongst the education sector about the credentials of one of the accrediting bodies, the Accreditation Service for International Colleges. We understand the UK Border Agency is currently conducting a review of accrediting organisations, but the allegations are very worrying, and we suggest that they look closely at these allegations and request they make the results of the review available to us as a matter of urgency.”
UK. Parliamentary records
Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe, Chief Executive of Universities UK had complained:

“Universities UK wrote to Liam Byrne in July 2007 to express concern about the decision to approve the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC) as one of the accreditation bodies within the new immigration system. Despite repeated requests by Universities UK officers to civil servants there is a lack of information and transparency about its management, governance and financial structures. Its website provides no inspection reports for its accredited colleges or a list of its inspectors. Several of the colleges that it accredits have been associated with inappropriate activities. Universities UK did not receive a reply from the Minister. Universities UK has continued to raise concerns in meetings with Home Office officials but no action appears to have been taken. Recent events in North West England have demonstrated that the accreditation arrangements require further improvement to try to ensure that only reputable education institutions offering quality education are able to bring international students to the UK.”*
UK Parliamemtary Records

The Home Office has been repeatedly been asked what happend to that UKBA (now UK Visa & Immigration) enquiry. As it seems no action was ever taken, ASIC changed its name internationally to ‘Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities’ and has since accredited over 400 schools and universities worldwide – many, unaccredited for the appropriate authorities, or just outright bogus – and continues to manipulate its website. See here
Harvard Hoax
This week ASIC was required to delete a story on its website under the tab ‘Partnerships’ The story claimed ASIC had entered into a relationship with the Harvard Graduate School of Education, part of the top ranked Harvard University in Massachusetts.
A Harvard GSE spokesman confirm they had requested an immediate take-down and said: “I can confirm that Harvard Graduate School of Education Professional Development does not have a partnership or work in collaboration with ASIC.”
Meanwhile investigators in the education sector. were alarmed at the bunch of dubious characters in the education business who were latching on to ASIC and Dimmock.
They included troublesome figues who had created fake universities, even an Oxford College, people who were merely selling educational qualifications, and others who had set pseudo ‘accreditation’ agencies. To understand ASIC it seems you had to know a lot about the education underworld.
“There exists no reason as to why Maurice Dimmock, an ostensibly respectable presence within the educational system, should be receiving endorsements on LinkedIn by people tied to criminal activities within the education system. – investigator

Edward Roy Krishnan or as he calls himself Ky. Col. Prof. Dr. Edward Roy Krishnan, BLA, MA, MS, MBA, MCoun, MPhil, EdD, DBA, PhD. is Dimmock’s principal ‘educational’ colleague in Thailand. Most of those letters before and after Krishnan’s name are either unrecognised, fake, or paid for with no need to study.
Krishnan claims to be a Senior Inspector for ASIC, a claim which ASIC has been given the opportunity to deny, and is the Director General of the phoney European International University in Paris, which he runs from Bangkok and Malaysia, and the director of the Bangkok School of Management – both with Premier ASIC accreditation.

His online DBA, Doctorate of Business Administration comes from the California Metropolitan University (CMU), whose degrees are not recognised by the U.S. Department of Education. – It held its 2022 graduation giving out unrecognised degrees in Greece.
Krishnan’s Doctorate in Philosophy PhD comes from the European Global School in Paris (EGS) a now defunct degree mill accredited by ASIC but not by the French government to issue degrees. EGS like Krishnan’s European Internation University was serviced by learning schools from Cairo.
Krishnan held a title of ‘Head of Admin’ at EGS and claims to be an advisor at CMU.
For his other qualifications we have to go to Wells International School in Bangkok, which is owned together wth the Bangkok School of Management and three education companies jointly registered at Companies House, UK with his senior business partner Taiwanese Chang Lao-Yang – boss of the EverClever Education Group.
Krishnan had applied for a job at Wells International School. But senior staff were unhappy – and this is what they found out.

After checking with various government agencies they confirmed that Krishnan had never completed his first Doctorate of Philosophy in educational; philosophy in Jhansi, India. Does not exist
His online Doctorate of Philosophy in Applied Psychology came from the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines which does not exist, is not recognised, is a known diploma mill and thus is not accredited by any authority. Fraudulent.
His Master of Science in Counseling and Psychotherapy came thie Institute of Psychotherapy and Management Sciences a known degree/diploma mill in Sri Lanka.
His Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling and Guidance came from Central Institute of Management, Ambala, India – which does not exist as an entity and which sells them at US$110 for two for foreigners, or US$90 in India. Fraudulent. (see below)

And his Batchelor of Liberal Arts from Spicer Memorial College, Pune is not accredited in India. Unaccredited.
Professor Brenden Tempest-Mogg – the Fake Oxford Education Guru
A New Year message congratulating Maurice Dimmock on Facebook came from the ‘Team Warnborough’ run by Professor Brenden Tempest-Mogg, who carried out one of most sensational ‘false pretenses’ cases in the last 30 years.

Tempest-Mogg made the headlines in 1995 when he set up Warnborough College, based on Boar’s Hill, a few miles outside Oxford, and convinced dozens of students, including nearly 30 Americans, that they had been warded places at Oxford University!
Fifteen of Americans, who fell for it, packed their bags and left within a few days of their arrival. The rest decided to stay on only to discover the degrees they were studying for were worthless.
The scandal made the New York Times, CBS news, and papers across the U.K. and the United States. Tempest-Mogg and Warnborough College were taken to court in Washington State and ordered to pay US$300,000 damages. But they never paid. (Full story here on ‘Fake Oxford’ There is also a podcast where students recount their misery) The U.S.Department of Education also fined Warnborough Council US$40,000 for failing to compensate the students – again they never recovered the money.
Tempest-Mogg merely closed down his college, before it was re-possessed, but then set up Warnborough Colleges in Ireland, Australia and the UK. As for the students who thought they were going to Oxford University he said in a podcast: “They should move on.”
The Irish Warnborough College was quickly accused of charging 18,000 Euros for worthless degrees.
The British Warnborough College in Canterbury has subsequenty gained ASIC Premier Accreditation. But cannot offer degree courses. As if to confirm their friendship, Dimmock’s ASIC has now become affiliated with little heard of IVETA. (International Vocational Educational Training Association) of which Julian Ng, CEO of Warnborough, is President, and Tempest-Mogg is the director. On IVETA’s website ASIC is the No 1 partner.

The Australian Warnborough was referred to as ‘a degree mill above a grog shop’ in the Australian parliament. And the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland has ruled that the Tempest-Mogg’s college in Dublin was not recognised as a higher education institution and its degrees were worthless.)
However, Warnborough College (Ireland) has an arrangement to validate the curriculum for dual degree certification for students of San Gregorio University in Orlando, Florida.
Fred Diulus

San Gregorio, not accredited by the Florida Department of Education, is an online university owned by a Professor Fred DiUlus – who is also Director of the ‘accrediting body AAHEA’ – the American Association of Higher Education, This is an unrecognised or fake accreditation agency.
But according to one of ASIC’s websites – which has been taken off line in the last two weeks. Fred Diulus was also an ASIC consultant.
(Since investigations into ASIC concluded and questions put to ASIC the website asic.bsne.ch, a clone of the asic.org.uk but with asic accredited colleges deleted from asic.org.uk, has been removed from the the net and Asicuk.com has been redirected to asic.org.uk. Further, the WayBack Machine has been requested to remove captures of both sites, with emphasis on the directories of accredited institutions, in particular the directories and Consultants pages .ASIC More ominously ASIC has instructed the Wayback Machine has instructed the Wayback Machine not to do any snapshots of its Directory of UK imnstitutions it has accredited.
Below is the section showing DiUlus as a consultant taken from a capture in 2020.)

While also giving schools and ‘universities’ the right to use their ASIC logos on their marketing material it also gives them certificates (above) to hang on their walls.
Here the European Global School is no longer on the ASIC accredited list. Its closed. On Wikipedia Krishnan’s Bangkok School of Management claims (25-02-2024) to be a support centre for both EGS and Northumbria University, from which Dimmock had been fired.
But the American Management University is. Indicating UGS has either been exposed or not bothered to continue paying fees.
The EGS used learning schools in Cairo to teach their degrees in Arabic. The American Management University is also unaccredited.
These are the logos, which we reported. were turning up on bogus degrees in Cairo.
Tarun Pathak – and the Ilford Mob

Tarun Pathak, is Director of Operations of the London Graduate School, which through the International Foundation Group, sells doctorates at conferences in Dubai at an all in price of about US$9000, (see previous story)
This year he sent four heart emojis to Maurice Dimmock on Facebook.’ He has also endorsed Maurice Dimmock on LinkedIn for ‘international education’.
Pathak also lectured at LVMT, an unaccredited instituation which operated out Clements Rd, Ilford, Essex.
Ilford is known in the education business as being as ‘the UK’s biggest hotspot for bogus providers and questionable educational practices’.
Operated by a man called Sonny Ahonsi, LVMT left many Africans out of pocket. But at least the UK Border Agency, now UKVI, saved one potential student a waste of time. The agency could not save his money though.

Sunny Ahonsi was exposed by the Financial Times, which described him as ‘no stranger to get rich quick schemes’ and a man behind Ponzi schemes. Apart from LVMT he also ran a higher education company called RISXCEL (UK) Ltd, which also crashed.
Pathak also endorses Ahonsi on LinkedIn for ‘educational leadership.
Coincidentally registered at the same address in Ilford is the ASIC accredited London School of Social and Management Sciences which has an Ascension Islands registered website (ac.) as in academia, also used by the European International University. LSSMS is run by Dr Waheed Mughal.
But also registered in Clements Road, Ilford, was the now disolved but unrecognised European College of Law run by Bangladeshi Prashanta Barua. This was claiming falsely to offer degree courses from the University of London.
Prashanta Barua had upped sticks and moved back to Bangladesh where he opened the European College of Business and Law in both Dhaka and Chittagong both accredited by ASIC. Before he left he endorsed John Wilson, ASiC’s Head of Accreditation on LinkedIn. But his colleges have been removed from ASIC’s international directory of accredited international colleges.
* Responding to allegations by Baroness Warwick ASIC had stated in written evidence: “The Committee can confirm that ASIC was registered with Companies House on 3 January 2007, Company No 06040297, and that ASIC’s accounts are available for inspection by the public. The Company is a not for profit company and any surplus money is donated to various charities, including the Rose Education Foundation, established by Mr Dimmock and his wife, to support orphans and other disadvantaged children in Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka and to provide scholarships for disadvantaged students. To date nine scholarships have been provided to enable such students to study at UK universities and colleges.
But neither ASIC’s unabridged and unaudited accounts nor any income statement has ever been submitted to Companies House since 2007 after Dimmock had claimed exemption 444 of the Companies Act. And that’s when ASIC began accredited the world’s questionable educational establishments.
And the Rose Education Foundation’s governing document is different to the details provided to the UK Parliamentary Committee.

What happened to the young people aged 11-19 living in the Durham-Tees area? Dimmock did take a party of youths from the Portrack Baptist Church in Stockpot-on-Tees in 2012 to visit RAHAB in Bangkok and the Pattaya Orphanage at a cost of £17,000, but early accounts submitted by the Rose Education Foundation do not stipulate individual charities donations in the early years from 2007 to 2009. It distributed £20,000 plus in donations in 2008 and £42,000 in the year 2009-10, $41,845 of which was in grants. There is no report of the success of those students receiving the grants, or who they were.
**The Rose Foundation’s accounts show income and recent donations confirming that the largest amounts, totalling some £60,000 over five years, were going to two charities in Thailand, not the Thai workers in the sex industry but the Catholic Pattaya Orphanage and its associated Sotpattana School for the Deaf – £8000 alone of which went towards the school’s Premier accreditation. Both are worthy causes and receive great support in Pattaya where their collection tins are prominently displayed in many bars where of the young women he intended to save work.
Only small amounts of money go to other charities in Thailand and it appears the bar girls may have been forsaken and left by the wayside. But if they are attracting customers to the bars they are indirectly also making donations to worthy causes. And their English is improving day by day.
Also left by the wayside was Mrs Margaret Dimmock, who on September 29 last year resigned from the Rose Education Foundation. On November 19th 2023 Maurice took a Thai bride. On December 21st he retired from ASIC after 20 years dedicated service to the Home Office, UK Border Agency, and UK Visa & Immigration.